
We want to help thrive as many local businesses as possible. But it s a pretty challenging mission and we need also your help:) Support us by completing co-creation tasks, crowdfunding or sharing our project. You will get interesting rewards and also make your neighbourhood a better place:)

Local is the new global! We believe that the local economy is the path to a sustainable and prosperous society. Our mission is to help local businesses thrive and thus help also the local economy. 

The flourishing globalism of the last years (we import meat from Argentina, feed from Brazil, yoghurt from France, etc.) is hitting its limits and no one is so enthusiastic about globalization than before. However, thanks to technologies (internet, 3D printing, blockchain) we can now produce and distribute most things locally. But it's not just about technology, it's mainly about people! The local economy is the way to a sustainable and prosperous future, even if the world remains globally - in a way of interconnectedness.

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We are not quick-wits, we have been dealing with solutions for local businesses for more than 6 years - we developed an online reservation system for restaurants, then our founders (Patrik and Jakub) worked together on the Storyous solution, and later we launched an online marketing tool for local businesses, LocaHeroes and based on hundreds of interviews and feedback from our customers, we gradually came up with the concept of Colocals.
We believe that local economies are the path to a sustainable and joyful future. Do you? If yes, help us co-create a better world:)

Milestones - what do we use the money for?

We collect money primarily because we want to start supporting local businesses also in other cities besides London as soon as possible. And since we are still without an investor and we finance everything with our own money - we are proceeding slowly. We need money primarily for expanding our team, so we can improve our product and handle more local businesses. 


  • £30,000 -we will launch Colocals in another city besides Milton Keynes
  • £70,000 - we will launch Colocals in 3 more cities besides besides Milton Keynes
  • £100,000 - we will launch an incubator for local businesses and projects

Support us by completing
tasks and get rewarded

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Competition for the best post

Competition for the best post

Create an inspirative post or reel on Instagram and get great prizes.

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Help us spread our crowdfunding campaign.

Help us spread our crowdfunding campaign.

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Give us feedback

Answer a few questions. We need to know also your opinions to improve our platform and ecosystem.

Support us by sharing

If you like us and our mission, let know also your family and friends, they can also join.

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Support our Crowdfunding campaign

£ 764 collected so far out of £ 10 000

  • Days left: 131
  • Backers: 29