Co-creation task Let's bring the Onesie World record back to Milton Keynes!

Competition for the best MK Business recommendation

Recommend a maximum of 3 cool local businesses in Milton Keynes and if one of that businesses is voted on the top 5 you will receive a reward. 3 VIP tickets to Our process festival and special surprise;)

How does it work:
  • Join our co-creation task <>
  • Recommend us 1, 2 or maximum 3 local businesses
  • People will be voting on social media for 3 months
  • We'll pick the top 5 with the most votes and you'll get a cool prize!

You need to login to participate in task

Don't worry we will not be scamming you. We just need your email address to send you your reward after completing the task. And from time to time we'll send you tips on interesting projects in Milton Keynes.

Competition for the best MK Business recommendation